Although I was a bit out of my league, Seton and I paddled out. Seton got shaken up early on as powerful currents swept him into some unforgiving rocks. Although I was out there I was hesitant to paddle into many of the larger sets. When I did, I got beaten up a bit. The current was so strong you couldn't paddle against it. People would walk to Tea Tree, paddle out then catch as many waves as possible until the powerful current swept them past 3 consecutive points, get out, walk back, and repeat.
The surf got so big that a rogue wave came over the boardwalk and crashed through the windows and doors of Bistro C soaking the patrons and their meals!
Now Hamish is breaking up and the Noosa longboard festival is about to begin. My former room mate, and Hawaiian surf love child, Summer Manukea, is friends with one of the competitors who will be staying with us for a few days while the competition is on. Although brother Jesse Carmody leaves us today, the hostel Seton and I are running continues to thrive. We recently bought a visitors book for all that come thru to sign.
All is well in beautiful Noosa.